Saturday, 16 July 2011


Blott - by Adam Price.

I'm back from Charney now - Charney Manor being the place where the annual Scattered Authors' Society's conference takes place. It was, as always, wonderful.  Squadrons of swifts screamed over the lawn and round the wings of the old house, as they must have done for hundreds of years, while authors chatted below.  We had an investigation of creativity and dreams, a shamanic spirit journey to bring back answers to our problems, and we had an uproarious and fiercely competitive quiz, followed by a game of pass the parcel, where respected authors howled like eight-year-olds.  All the while surrounded by the warmest, most sympathetic, understanding people possible.  It's worth joining the SAS for Charney alone!
Susan Price.


madwippitt said...

We looked through the Charney photos posted on balaclava out of sheer nosiness - it's interesting to see what the people whose posts you've read look like. It reinforced my belief that you are some kind of shapechanger: that or you keep hiring body doubles. Each time I see a photo you look completely different ... spooky ... maybe time to cut back on all that cowboy-vampire-dinosaur tea.

Susan Price said...

Possibly you are confusing Sues - there were 3 at Charney. I am always the fat, untidy one.

Penny Dolan said...

Fat? Untidy? How dare you take my claim to fame, Sue!

It was truly a great Charney.

I'm not exactly recovering - it's some other feeling. Maybe trying NOT to recover from another blissfilled strange out-of-time time just yet?

madwippitt said...

No, definitely you.
Maybe we need a definitive photo?

Katherine Langrish said...

I ADORE Blott! This is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like absolutely fantastic fun - and productive to boot. Also, I did a genuine laugh out loud at cowboy-vampire-dinosaur-tea (sadly I did once come across a genre writing competition that couldn't decide between vampires and dragons as its theme and so went with... yep, you guessed it. And they weren't being tongue-in-cheek either, otherwise I think I may have been tempted to enter!)

Susan Price said...

So glad people like Blot! I pass all comments on to my brother, Adam, who draws him.

Joan Lennon said...

Blott Rocks!

Leslie Wilson said...

I adore Blott, and also think that birthday cake is super-cool!