From my kitchen window. Roses, white foxgloves, reeds...
Below, the last of the dog-roses above the pool.
By the pond, the yellow flag which Madwippit (aka author Karen Bush) gave me last year. They didn't flower at all last year but have made up for it this.
Grandad's favourite - sweet pea. We have peas too, getting very chubby in their pods.
Then there's the big fella, (below) the teasel.
That white wall behind it is six feet tall. It grows daily and is even taller now.
It's as well defended as a plant can be. Spikes and spines all over it.
But to end with something pretty...
Love it :-) Full of rampant, burgeoning growth :-)
Thanks, both. And 'burgeoning' a good word. That's how I like it. I'm aiming for 'edge of woodland.'
I've been missing posts so, late, late, late, I say beautiful photos of a fabulous garden! Thanks for these!
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