This month's conversation is with my good friend, Katherine Roberts...
Sue Price:- Kath, I've often told the tale of how we sat in the garden at Charney and talked about the traditional publishing industry's coming doom and what we could do about it. And it was you who first alerted me to the possibilities of self-publishing on Kindle, and started Authors Electric - and then, not so long after it started, you got a four-book contract with Templar and left us to plough our independent way alone. But now you've self-published your wonderful I Am The Great Horse, so you're working both sides of the street - or field, if I continue the ploughing metaphor. What are your thoughts on the whole trad vs indie thing?
Katherine Roberts |
I'm not sure the doom we spoke of applies to the traditional
publishing industry, which still seems to work brilliantly for the right
sort of books. It more applies to authors, who just don't seem to have
long term careers in traditional publishing any more. And that's where
indie publishing comes in... to fill the gap. If you want to stick to the
field metaphor, I see us all ploughing the same earth, just on different
sides of the hedge and in different ways. Traditional publishing is the
farmer with the big machinery and all the chemicals and hormones he needs
to make his crops grow. Indie publishers have wonky furrows and a
couple of stubborn mules to pull their hand ploughs, and they're probably
organic so have to do a lot of back-breaking weeding. But books and
authors can thrive and grow in both types of field. It's when
you get cross-pollination, things start to get interesting...
Sue Price:- Cross-pollination? Do you mean when a big publisher gives a
contract to an Indie?
Kath Roberts:- That’s one interesting thing that seems to be happening.
Authors are bypassing the agent or slush pile routes, and testing their work on
real readers. It seems a scary route to take, though – you need to be pretty
confident in your material, and you also need to make sure it has been edited
and proofread, which requires more time and expense than simply sending your
manuscript to a list of agents/publishers. It obviously works for some, and a
best-selling indie title must be very attractive to publishers. But it remains
to be seen if authors taking the indie route to a publishing contract have any
more of a long term publishing career than those traditionally published
authors being sidelined to make way for them. Cross pollination can work both
Sue Price:- Yeah, the formerly published are going indie, and the indies are
signing with big firms – a-a-and all spin round and face the other way!
And then, as soon as their sales drop a percentile, the big firms will
drop the ex-indies and take up a new crop – who will quickly be dropped in
their turn. Everybody will have a book contract for fifteen minutes! Is that
how it will work?
Katherine Roberts:- Fifteen minutes of fame? Maybe. But I actually think not much
has changed. I've noticed the same
disillusionment among indies on the KDP forum, just as you get
disillusioned writers who have been traditionally published but not made their
first million yet. The difference is the indies don't have anyone to blame
except themselves.
Susan Price:- So, do you think, when the dust settles, that the same people are
going to be left standing there, rubbing their eyes? – I mean, the ‘in it for
the long run’ writers who want to write more than they want success or money.
Maybe the publishing firms will cherry-pick the few they hope will have
a big success – quickly dropping them if this proves not to be true – and what
used to be the ‘mid-list’ will self-publish. But the crowd presently jostling
for space on the self-publishing platforms will thin out as those who were
expecting to get rich quick fall away and search for other routes to riches.
(Which will still leave a pretty big crowd of ex mid-listers!)
Do you think new e-publishing firms will emerge from the dust-cloud? One
of the Authors Electric, Stephanie Zia, started by publishing her own books and
now has turned into a small e-publisher, Blackbird Digital Books.
Katherine Roberts:- I actually think the mid-list vanished a few years ago in
traditional publishing, and Amazon cleverly stepped in to fill the gap.
But in another reversal, I hear that publishers who used to lock
their doors against unagented authors are now opening up the slush pile
again (Macmillan being one of the latest to do so).
So it seems to me that while publishers and booksellers are busy
changing the rules, authors are carrying on doing what they do best...
success is meant to be 5% talent and 95% hard work, after all, so yes if
you discount the "lottery winners" like J K Rowling etc, I think the
same authors will succeed in the end. Some are doing this by creating their own
publishing lists, others are adapting to market forces, whatever
works best for the current climate, I suppose. What I've noticed is that
there is a very large pool of new authors out there and far
fewer authors with a career lasting 10 years or more. Once an author has
been publishing for 10 years, I think it highly unlikely they'll give up
trying to reach readers, whatever external challenges they
may face. I for one love the way e-books have opened doors for
us, even if I haven't cracked the secret of selling them myself yet!
Susan Price:- I’m really pleased to see the Great Horse out as an indie, though –
it was (and is) such a good book, and deserved better treatment. I firmly
believe that your publishers didn’t know how to market it, because it’s an
And now it amounts to an original work of art! Not only written
and self-published by you, but with a striking new cover – very like a Greek
vase painting – designed by you. Tell us something about that.
Katherine Roberts:-Thank you for your kind words! Yes, looking back I'd
agree I Am The Great Horse is a book that's hard to
place on a traditional shelf, and I'm grateful to Chicken House for publishing
it once they realised this. That was a brave thing to do. Since they are
essentially a children's list, they decided to aim the original book at
the (girly) horse market, which made sense at the time - yet it seemed
a shame to miss out on those adult historical readers who might
enjoy a novel about Alexander the Great, as well as boys who might like to
read about his adventures.
When I published the Kindle version I
wanted to make it more adult/boyish in feel, but without losing the
horse angle. Hence the new cover, which was actually inspired by an
ancient coin of Alexander riding Bucephalas. If you're interested, there's more
on my blog about how I created the e-cover,
as well as a whole series of posts I wrote about this book while it was
still in print, including guest posts from my editor and the illustrator
who drew the map.
And, after going into hiding from the Black Dog last week (as if!), Blott is back!
And, after going into hiding from the Black Dog last week (as if!), Blott is back!
Thank you both for an interesting conversation. The point about those left standing has definitely made me think!
Good to see The Great Horse taking another canter round - terrific book and not necessarily a girly one either! It's pretty tough in places ...
Good to see Blot back, although the brief holiday was obviously exhausting.
Nice to eavesdrop on people who know what they're talking about. Thanks to both.
This is such an interesting topic - wonderful to have two experts chatting about it here, where we all can listen in
Fascinating post - thankyou both, and I find it quite encouraging, too, which is even better!
My 14 year old son loved The Great Horse. Thank you!
Thank YOU, Juliet, for taking the trouble to leave a comment! I'm with your son - I loved The Great Horse too, and was left thinking it was one of the most engaging and original books I'd ever read - but when I stopped to think about how I'd sell it, I felt sorry for the marketing department! An adult historical narrated by a talking horse? A children's historical with lots of gory battles and political murders? An accurate historical with fantasy elements - a fantasy which insisted on being historically accurate? - A complete original.
* Blushes * Thank you all for your kind words about the Great Horse!
Maybe being an ebook will suit him, since virtual shelves are less obvious than those in a book store. He is currently on two of them at amazon (children's ancient civilizations and adult historical fiction), though I'd like to put him into "war" as well.
Very much enjoyed our conversation, Sue!
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