The photo is of a whippet sculpture, made by my
friend and frequent commentator on this blog, Madwippit, aka author Karen Bush. (Not only an author, but an expert
horsewoman and riding teacher, a dog-trainer, and now we see, also a pretty
nifty sculptress.)
Karen says:
Karen sent me the photo because of my
post last week, about my persistent brain-worm that pestered me to make a Green Man
mask. I woke up with the idea in my head
of making one out of papier-mache – I suppose simply because we used to make
paper-mache things when we were kids. I
seem to remember the older of my brothers setting out to make a brontosaurus
(he was mad about dinosaurs). The thing
ended up looking more like a cat, so he painted it black and called it 'Tiddles.'
Karen has knowledgeable tips about papier-mache (as
well as horse-riding on a budget, and planting dog-friendly gardens.) She says:
This is quite encouraging. I can feel the call of papier-mache pulp and PVA. But I must resist! I have the Sterkarm book to finish; I have an outline to work up for my agent (which I haven’t even starting thinking about, but which I have Davy researching. That is, he's reading a book he wanted to read anyway, and reporting back to me on it.) And next week it’s the Scattered Authors' Society's four-day conference, and I haven’t even started to begin to think about organising myself for it…It's fun - have a go. It's also cheap - newspaper torn (not cut) into strips is perfect (tissue paper is good for the finishing layers) - wallpaper paste is easy to use and keeps for weeks and weeks - make up a small batch and keep it in a tupperware type container with a lid. If you want to sculpt more you can make your own papier mache pulp but it's a bit of a faff and much easier to buy it in dried form which you add water to - use an electric hand mixer to whizz it and add some PVA glue to make it a little more plastic and stop it from drying too quickly. The pulp sets like rock when it's dry. I prefer using just newspaper, but pulp is handy for detail like toes or the coats of shaggy dogs.Look forward to seeing your Green (Wo)Man!Karen :-)
But just look at that lovely
whippet. Could I make something as good
as that? Could I?
If you want to see more whippets, have a look at Karen's blog here.
And if you're interested in ghostly Black Dogs, you might like my contribution to Lucy Coats' Fantabulous Fridays blog here.
And a review of mine is up on the Awfully Big Blog Adventure's review wing here.
If you want to see more whippets, have a look at Karen's blog here.
And if you're interested in ghostly Black Dogs, you might like my contribution to Lucy Coats' Fantabulous Fridays blog here.
And a review of mine is up on the Awfully Big Blog Adventure's review wing here.
Noooo! Norty! Not an expert anything, and it's a greyhound rather than a wippitt - slightly different shape (sorry, that's the inner control freak in me wrestling to get out again) But we have all tuned in here to see your Green (Wo)Man - Enuff with the excuses, where is it?!
That coelacanth looks mighty fresh to be a museum piece - has Blott mastered the art of deep deep deep sea diving now too?
Looking forward to the green (wo)man too. In the meantime, Karen - the greyhound? Woo hoo!
Sorry, madwippet - my dog identification is not as keen as it should be. It's a great piece of work anyway, and an inspiration. I will go to amazon immediately and order some cheap plastic masks as moulds...
Amazing whippet! I will visit in a minute. I love papier mache and have made dolls and bowls mainly. I am a nursery teacher, and currently in my class, we are making a giant Usain Bolt using papier mache. Great fun and I can't wait till we finish him! I hope you do make your green man! And good luck with finishing the book too-can't wait!
A giant papier mache Usain Bolt! - I don't think I need to add anything to that.
Ummm ... if you fell like cdiversifying a little, there's a recipe for making your own knitted Usain Bolt in the Radio Times. Yes, really.
A knitted Usain Bolt! - Okay, any advance on a knitted Usain Bolt? A Usain Bolt made of matchsticks? A Mr Bolt made entirely of old kitchen spatulas? Used tyres?
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